
2004-12-20 Mon


Going Their Own Way
摄影:Alexandra Boulat

在上个春天,Irian Jaya,Jayapura举行的第二届巴布亚议会期间,一个携带着一张弓和箭的巴布亚战士。尽管面对越来越强硬的政治和雅加达控制的军队集结的压力,巴布亚分离主义者继续升起他们自己的旗帜、命名他们自己的家园、坚持他们决定自己土地上富饶的资源如何分配的权力。
A Papuan militant carries a bow and arrow during the Second Papuan Congress held in Jayapura, Irian Jaya, last spring. Despite increasingly harsh responses from police and army troops controlled by Jakarta, Papuan separatists continue to raise their own flag, name their own home, and insist on the right to determine how the rich resources of their land will be used.

Camera: Canon EOS-1N
Film Type: Unrecorded
Lens: 17-35mm Canon zoom f/2.8
Speed and F-Stop: 1/125 @ f/4 Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy
Time of Day: 4 p.m.
Lighting Techniques: Natural +81B filter

Special Equipment or Comments:
I was fascinated with the style of the people who attended this congress. They were from different tribes and were dressed as such. Maybe just a bit more careful about their look, because they wanted to look impressive for the meeting in town. I was amazed to meet optimistic naked troops, armed with arrows and bows, and determined to fight for their rights. Irian Jaya is sitting on a huge mining business, and is a great land of resources for Indonesia. The problems that follow are created by a conflict of interest between the Irian Jaya natives and the Indonesian government. Also, the invasion of industry, often internationally coordinated, is a dramatic change to the general atmosphere of the Papuan culture.

火箭人于 2004-12-20 22:48:30 发表在分类:摄影
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